History of Auschwitz History of Auschwitz II - Birkenau Gassing of the Gypsies at Birkenau Zyklon-B used for gassing at Birkenau Selection for the gas chamber or labor The Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Survivors of Birkenau camp History of Auschwitz III - Monowitz Monowitz gas chamber? Death Statistics for Auschwitz-Birkenau Gas Chambers in Kremas II and III Gas Chambers in Kremas IV and V Gas Chambers in Bunkers I and II The deportation of the Hungarian Jews The story of Elie Wiesel Notes for Night, a book by Elie Wiesel The story of Irene Zisblatt Confession and testimony of Rudolf Hoess The Belsen Incident Arthur Liebehenschel, Auschwitz I Commandant Charges made by the Soviet Union The 1998 War of the Crosses The Town of Auschwitz Books about Auschwitz gas chamber