Dresden Barracks in Theresienstadt ghetto

Dresden barracks can be seen through pavilion in Brunnen park

Rear view of the Dresden barracks for women

The Theresienstadt ghetto opened in November 1941 and on December 6, 1941 the first women prisoners were brought to the Dresden barracks building shown in the photograph above. At first, the children stayed with their mothers, but later the older children were housed in separate quarters. The Dresden barracks is a huge building with 243 rooms and an open courtyard in the center. There were prison cells in the basement for women who violated the rules of the ghetto, and there was also space set aside for theater and cultural performances. As the ghetto became more and more crowded, the newcomers were forced to sleep on the bare floor in the attic.

Door into Dresden barracks

The Dresden barracks is identical to the Magdeburg barracks, also for women, which is located at the other end of Hauptstrasse. Today the Magdeburg barracks houses a Museum.

The Dresden barracks, which was not open to the public in 2000 when I visited, has a series of courtyards, where the prisoners were allowed to play soccer.

The rear of the Dresden barracks on Wallstrasse is near the small bastion which juts out from the northwest corner of the old fortress. It is identical to the one behind the Magdeburg barracks, which is now a Museum. To the left of this building, but not shown, is the spot where a smaller barracks building once stood. This barracks was used during the war to house mothers with children under the age of 3, but it burned down after the war. Next to the former location of this barracks is the eastern end of Stadt park.

The photo below shows the Hamburg barracks near one of the parks in Theresienstadt.

Hamburg barracks, photo taken in 2000

Hohenelbe Barracks

Historic Buildings

Art Museum

Map of Ghetto

Walls and Gate

Ghetto Museum

Town Square

Old Buildings

Restaurants and Hotel

Children's Barracks

Adult's Barracks

