Locke, California

Historic Chinese Town

One of the most popular spots in Locke in the early days was the Dai Loy Gambling house, owned by the town's founder, Lee Bing. The Dai Loy Gambling house was the social center of the community from 1916 to 1950. It is now a museum for tourists.

Dai Loy Museum on east side of Main Street

In the 1950ies, Locke was still a vibrant community with 400 residents, mostly Chinese. They lived in apartments on the second floor above the stores and restaurants. The main industry in the town was gambling.

Former gambling hall on west side of Main Street

Locke used to have several gambling halls, including one on Main Street with Chinese characters painted on seven glass panels at the top of the building. The Chinese writing means "Victory Club" in English. The building now houses a store called Locke Ness, which advertises the sale of "Things Old and New."


Building where Foon Hop casino was formerly located

The gambling halls and opium dens in Locke were owned and operated by the Chinese residents in Locke, but the houses of prostitution were owned by Caucasians, who staffed them with white prostitutes.

Al the Wop's place

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