Stone Sculpture at Treblinka

Stones recreate railroad ties for spur line into Treblinka camp

After you pass through the two large stones set at an angle to form an entrance gate into the area where the Treblinka camp once stood, you come upon an immense stone sculpture designed to represent the railroad ties on which the tracks were laid on the spur line that the Germans built from the Treblinka station into the camp. The tracks begin in the wooded area outside the camp boundary line, as shown in the photo above, and then make a sharp turn to the left (eastward) into the camp, as shown in the photographs below. The stones in the second photo below represent the camp boundary line.

Stones represent the train tracks into the Treblinka camp

Stone railroad ties make sharp turn and continue inside camp

The photograph below shows the end of the railroad spur line with a stone platform to the left. When the camp was in operation, there was a real train platform in this spot and behind it was a storehouse, disguised as a train depot, which was used to store the clothing and other items which the victims had brought with them to the camp. In the background of the photo below, you can see another line of 10 stones which mark the southern boundary line of the camp. The stones represent the different countries, including German-occupied Greece, Bulgarian-occupied Greece, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, from which the Jews were transported by train to be exterminated here in this remote, God-forsaken spot in the forest.

Polish students stand where fake train station once stood

The Treblinka camp was divided into three sections. On the far left of the platform where the Jews arrived was the section where the guards and administrators lived. The 1,000 Jews who worked at Treblinka lived in Camp 1 to the right of the SS barracks on the map below. Today, only the area on the far right of the map below, where the Jews were gassed and burned, has been preserved; the rest of the camp is now covered with trees. The whole camp covered about 22 acres and today's visitors see an area that is about 7 acres in size.

This map has been turned so that the top of the Map is East

The map above shows the layout of the Treblinka camp as seen by visitors today who enter the area of the former camp along the route of the train tracks, shown at the bottom of the map. Shown in gray on the left side near the bottom of the map is where the SS staff members and the Ukrainian guards lived. Around 1,000 Jewish workers lived in the barracks that are shown in black. The fake train station where the clothing was stored is shown in blue; the undressing rooms for the Jews are also shown in blue. On the right side of the map, the burial sites are shown in brown. The gas chambers are shown in red; the large red rectangle is where 10 new gas chambers were constructed near the original gas chamber. Today, a large monument is located in the spot where the original gas chamber once stood. The pyres where the bodies were burned are indicated by the lines just above the red rectangle that denotes the gas chamber. The area where the barracks once stood is now covered with trees; the area at the top of the map on the right is where the symbolic cemetery is now located.

Model of Treblinka camp

Photo Credit: Adelaide Institute

The photo above shows a model of the Treblinka camp, which was shown by Richard Krege at the Holocaust denial conference held in Iran in December 2006.

Original sign at Treblinka camp

Photo Credit: Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum

The Jews who were murdered in the gas chambers at Treblinka were brought here in trains, 60 cars long, with 100 Jews crammed into each boxcar. The trains stopped at the Malkinia Y junction where 20 cars would be detached from the train and backed into the camp via the spur line. After the passengers were unloaded at the platform beside the tracks, the train would get the next 20 cars waiting at the junction. On the return trip, the trains turned south at the Malkinia junction and took the clothing to the disinfection chambers at the Majdanek camp in Lublin.

Two original cattle cars used to transport Jews to death camps

The photo above, taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau in October 2005, shows two original railroad cars with no windows, which were the type that were used to transport Jews to the Treblinka death camp. Many of the victims died of suffocation or dehydration before the train arrived in the camp.

Symbolic Cemetery


Link to Map of Treblinka camp

Escape from Treblinka - external link


This page was last updated on March 21, 2009