The bakery in Oradour-sur-Glane

The sign near the window in the photo above says that this building was the Boulangerie, one of the few French words that I knew. Note the metal shutters, which are folded back. The photo below shows the front of the building which faces the main street, Rue de Emile Desourteaux.

When the villagers were ordered to assemble at the Fairgrounds, the baker showed up bare-chested and covered with flour. He told the soldiers that he was worried about his cakes in the oven. He was assured that the cakes would be taken care of.

After the massacre, several burned bodies were discovered inside the bakery, including the body of a baby that was found inside the oven. The SS claimed that the village was in the hands of the French resistance and that the partisans returned to the village the next day and moved some of the bodies. The SS claimed that they had found the burned bodies of German soldiers in the town. Their justification for destroying the town was their claim that a popular Waffen-SS battalion commander, Major Helmut Kämpfe, had been kidpnapped by the French resistance and was scheduled to be ceremoniously burned alive in the village that day. Kämpfe's body was found later at another village a few miles from Oradour-sur-Glane.

The photo below shows the inside of the bakery with the oven on the left.

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