Mauthausen Quarry - Wiener Graben

View of the Mauthausen quarry section near the stairs

The Mauthausen quarry was known as the "Wiener Graben" because the streets of Wien (Vienna) had been paved with stones taken from it. The Mauthausen concentration camp was built at the edge of the quarry so that prison labor could be used to take the granite for Hitler's grandiose building plans.

The sign on the far left of the photo above is near the "stairs of death" which is out of camera range. You can see the German monument to the right of the trees on the top.

The "parachute jump" is the ledge on the right

At the top of the photograph above, you can see the monument of the former East Germany on the right, and farther to the right, the Jewish monument. The parachute jump is the ledge that is below the German monument. Remarkably, none of the SS men ever fell off the narrow ledge while they were pushing the Jews to their deaths.

The "parachute jump" where prisoners were pushed off

In the center of the photo is the ledge where Mauthausen prisoners, mostly Jews, were pushed to their deaths by the SS guards; some survivors also say that Jewish prisoners held hands and jumped off to commit suicide in unison.

The wall of the "Wiener Graben" at Mauthausen

In this view, which is to the right of the "parachute jump" you can see the Menorah of the Jewish monument at the top on the far right.

View of the quarry from the bus parking area

This photo shows the view of the quarry that you will see as you disembark from your tour bus or taxi. On the left, you can see the German monument at the top, and the Jewish monument to the right of it. The section of the quarry near the camp is quite small, although the "Wiener Graben" is over a mile long.

The far end of the Mauthausen quarry

This view of the Mauthausen granite quarry shows the far end, which is to the right of the Jewish monument at the top, as you are facing the camp.

Stairs of Death

Scale Model of Quarry


This page was last updated on March 26, 2007