Fireplace at "The Eagle's Nest" 

American soldiers chipped souvenirs from the marble fireplace

The fireplace in the great room of the Eagle's Nest, made of expensive Carrara marble, was a birthday gift from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini to Hitler. The fireplace was extensively damaged by Allied soldiers who chipped off pieces of the marble for mementos. Note the three damaged stones in the center of the photo above.

The photo below was taken shortly after the American soldiers arrived at the Eagle's Nest. Note that the fireplace is still intact and has not yet been ravaged by souvenir hunters.

Marble Fireplace at Eagles's Nest, May 1945

Photo Credit: Ron Clarin

Marble fireplace and souvenir stand in the Great Hall

Close-up of marble fireplace mantel

The marble fireplace looks black from a distance, but up close you can see that it has a definite reddish tint.

The photo below shows a marble doorway located in the hallway that visitors enter after they exit from the elevator.

Marble frame on doorway

View from Eagle's Nest

Sun Terrace at Eagle's Nest

Mooslahnerkopf - Hitler's first tea house

Berghof - Hitler's house on the Obersalzberg

Hotel on the Obersalzberg

Access Tunnel to Elevator

Elevator to Eagle's Nest

Interior of Eagle's Nest

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