Former location of Cafe Belstler

SS soldiers danced with local girls in the Cafe Belstler

The four-story building in the foreground of the photograph above is the former location of the Cafe Belstler, which was a popular spot for drinking and dancing during the years that the SS had a Training Camp and garrison west of the Dachau concentration camp.

On New Year's Eve in 1940, the Cafe Belstler was the scene of a brawl when SS soldiers fought with the locals. On the same night, SS men slugged it out with guests at the Zieglerbräu and the Kochwirt Restaurant. In the background, you can see the Baroque gable of the Ludwig Thoma House. Across the street is the Unterbräu, which is the next stop on this tour.

Catholic statue on the side of the former Cafe Belstler

Unterbräu Inn

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